Clenching, Grinding and Bruxism

A lot of people, without being aware of it, clench and grind their teeth in their sleep (this condition is called bruxism).  This can cause all sorts of problems, including chipped and cracked teeth, flattened edges and wear on teeth, tooth loss, jaw aches and headaches.

There are a few different treatments available for management of these issues, unfortunately there is no easy fix for these things.

Bruxism the excessive grinding or clenching of the teeth, can be caused by medications, physical or psychological stress or a sleep disorder.  If left untreated it can lead to severe tooth wear, cracked or split teeth and damage to the jaw joint.

There are 2 options for treatment and preventing further damage to the teeth:

1)    Occlusal splint – a hard plastic fitted over the top teeth and worn at night. You don’t have to keep coming back to the dentist for repeat treatments, it will protect your teeth if you wear it to sleep, but for some people who clench and grind while they are awake, it isn’t as effective.

2)    Botulinium toxin (Botox) – which is used to weaken and relax the muscles of the jaw.  The treatment involves placement of the solution in the muscles on each side of your face.  It works while you are asleep and awake, but you need to come back every 3 – 6 months to have the treatment repeated.

For a thorough assessment regarding these problems, please phone Debra Brown Dental on (07) 49 57 59 57 for an appointment.

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